Strategies, ideas, tips and tricks to make your home the best it can be.
Learn how to perfectly coordinate plantation shutters with freshly laid floors. Discover design tips and insights for a cohesive and stylish home renovation.
Learn how combining protective shutters with foam roofing enhances home durability and protection against extreme weather conditions.
Do plantation shutters block light? Find out in our comprehensive guide. Learn about their light-blocking capabilities and how they can improve your home.
Wondering if you can paint plantation shutters? Learn the dos and don'ts, plus get professional advice on achieving the best results with your shutter paint job.
What are plantation shutters? Unveil the elegance and practicality they bring to any room. Learn about their design, use, and advantages for your home.
What design trends are slated for the most au courant homes in the new year? New Homes & Ideas rolled up its collective sleeves to research this question and quiz area experts to compile the following list.
The most vulnerable families don’t have a choice because they live in subsidized housing or rental properties
Are you trying to control light and privacy? This guide to choosing blinds and shades will help you find the best window treatments for your home.
Select Shutters And Blinds offers everything you need to create the perfect window treatment. Blinds, shades and shutters to fit the style of your home.